IO1 - Desk Research

The desc research include review and analysis of conceptual frameworks in terms of student mobility. Based on the principles of these frameworks, the document defines how we will attempt to structure elements of student mobility and which tasks help to define the needed competencies and skills of the mobility staff.

In the desk research, staff members at central International Relations Offices (IRO) and at faculties (F) of Higher Education Institutions are considered as one group for the purpose of this study. The scope of the research only includes administrative work and academic administrative tasks related to international student mobility, although departmental coordinators may have additional responsibilities that are solely or primarily academic. 

In general, Higher Education Institutions are mostly addressed rather as abstract entities in the overall programme frameworks, guidelines and documents, with no differentiation according to unit, staff category, or task. Therefore the stated principles mostly cannot be pinpointed to certain departments or staff members within the institution. However, within the project scope the responsibilities/tasks listed for the mobility phases are applicable to the work areas of staff working with (potential) mobile students in all the relevant contexts of the HEI.

As agreed among the consortium partners, student mobility for traineeships will be excluded in the project as for now, though the comparison of studies versus placements in relation to the project outcomes might be a relevant addition to the project at a late stage.

The University of Marburg, with the support of the consortium partners, is responsible for producing the desc research.