Inform students about study abroad opportunities and relevance (where, when, etc.)

Knowledge of (higher) education in a national and global context, in particular re. internationalisation
Identify, interpret and apply information on mobility programmes (ECTS, relevant innovations etc.).
Knowledge of structures, strategies & procedures of the home institution, in particular re. Internationalisation
Understand and interpret the (developments in the) home institution's structures, strategies & procedures (relating to educational policy, student affairs & services, quality assurance mechanisms, marketing & communication, financial policy).
Intercultural skills
Anticipate and respond to (cultural) differences between students re. communication, evaluation, financial needs.
Communication skills
Clarify in detail the study abroad opportunities (orally and in writing).
Digital skills
Use appropriate digital tools and technologies to collaborate, share data, information and digital content.
Organise, store and manage data and information in a structured digital environment.
Responsiveness, pro-activity & flexibility
Anticipate in an appropriate manner possible differences in perspectives and expectations of different stakeholders.
Confidence, empathy & openness
Act confidently and persuasively, with a suitable degree of empathy and openness, towards colleagues,students and other stakeholders.