

Erasmus student mobility has been increased in the last years. In order to achieve quality mobility and continue increasing the number of mobile students further, it is essential to face linked obstacles such the lack of information. The performance and know-how of staff members working in International Relations offices and other related units are key to achieve high-level quality standards of student’s mobility, as they play a pivotal role in the implementation of mobility programmes and the overall internationalisation strategies.

FESC will contribute to increasing the quality of student mobility by focusing on staff members and professional competencies in higher education, shedding light of the main complexities for staff members and providing required comprehensive guidelines, on-hand toolkits for training and peer-group learning.

The main project objectives will be reached through several activities such as the development and implementation of 7 Intellectual Outputs (IO):

  • IO1 - Desk Research - Erasmus+ staff competencies
  • IO2 - Student & HEI surveys
  • IO3- E+ staff competencies framework
  • IO4 - Study visit reports
  • IO5 - Guidelines
  • IO6 - Training Toolkit
  • IO7 - Policy Recommendations

IO1 - Desk Research

The desc research include review and analysis of conceptual frameworks in terms of student mobility. Based on the principles of these frameworks, the document defines how we will attempt to structure elements of student mobility and which tasks help to define the needed competencies and skills of the mobility staff.

IO3 - Framework

The Erasmus Staff Competences Framework aims to present a comprehensive overview of staff competences relevant for conducting quality student mobility, as well as lay the foundation for (self-) auditing of institutions. The Framework takes into consideration aspects such as institutional structures, administrative processes and service provision and will thus rely heavily on previous frameworks/tools and the researches conducted in IO1 and IO2. 

Ghent University, with support of Hanze University of Applied Sciences, is the leader of this intellectual output. 

IO4 - Study Visit reports

To test the Erasmus + staff competences and the Framework, six study visits took place at the University of Marburg, Ghent University, University of Latvia, University of Warsaw, Hanze University of Applied Sciences and Saint Petersburg University. The results of the study visits are gathered and compiled in a global report.

IO5 - Guidelines

To allow HEIs to utilise the Erasmus+ staff competences framework (IO3) and build upon the research conducted in the project (IO1 and IO2) the consortium will create guidelines to support the implementation of the framework. 

IO7 - Policy Recommendations

The project aims to have a significant impact on the future of the Erasmus+ programme and especially in the new incarnation of the programme post-2021. The consortium will, therefore, create policy recommendations to be discussed with European institutions on how to integrate staff qualification and eventually certification as a fundamental element of the future programme/s to boost the quality of student mobility.