1st study visit at Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg

The pilot study visit took place at the University of Marburg on the 11th-12th of November 2019. This first visit gave a good start of the 6 visits planned within the scope of the project. Each one of them will be organised in different geographical locations - Ghent, Groningen, Riga, Warsaw and Saint Petersburg. Their aim is to test, improve and validate the framework of Erasmus+ staff competences (IO3). 

Two of the partners conducted the study visit - EUF, the leader of this intellectual output (IO4) and the University of Ghent. The total number of participants that took place in the interviews and the workshop session was 17, which exceeded the estimated number of 15. They represented different groups with variable backgrounds and positions - Student Assistants, Erasmus + Departmental Coordinators, International officers and Heads of Units. They all interact with international students and incoming and outgoing students on mobility at their jobs and meet different related challenges.

Their participation and honest discussions showed their interest in the success of the project and understanding of its positive impact on their work and work environment.

Their feedback will be captured in a detailed report which will serve for analysing and improving the framework of FESC.  
